Fort Negen

Creating a place where people with a passion for bread can learn how to bake.

About this episode of Craft Stories

We live in a society with a never ending urge to become more cost-efficient. Maarten tries to flip the script with his Sourdough bakery Fort Negen. Using time as key ingredient when making their delicious sourdough bread and pastries.

Maarten's journey in baking started a while ago. He traveled all over the world to learn more about how food is grown and tasted sourdough bread for the very first time in Australia. From that moment on, he worked at several places to learn how to bake. From bread to pastries.

And still, it's a learning process. Trying out new things, rewriting recipes, refining processes and the never ending search for the best ingredients. Building a unique neighbourhood bakery together with a team of like-minded people who joined the journey out of love for the product.



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About us

Hi there! What about the makers of this project?
We are Liza and Tijmen, we craft docu-style videos and photography for brands. With our nimble team we're ready to unveil the story behind your brand.

Craft Stories